A place Like the Eden

A place Like the Eden

A Place Like Eden

Thinking about all those moments of insecurity, sadness, anger, or simply the desire to think things through. Those moments when you just ask normally calm and move away to other people you want to help. Given the desire of this quiet solitude. That feeling of suddenly escape to that special place we cherish. This is where you clarify your doubts or at least you clear your mind of any affliction that is tormenting you at that time.

This place looks like it has something magical that always gives us that peace can vary from a dark room to an outdoor location where there is a breathtaking view. The most logical explanation would be that it is a place where you find security and tranquility which you subconsciously believe you need to go in times of uncertainty. For all the people this is often a different place depending on the experiences already lived there.
According to experts such places can also be people such as the breasts for young children, a friend or even your partner. Now that they get that feeling of security and peace. Although I prefer a place and I know that often differ from the opinion of most people and that alone will create more conflict than I already have in my mind.

Unlike Sofia and that place in your yard that seemed shack in the bushes around them; for me that place is usually my car but only when I'm alone, I listen to quiet music and cold air. For me it's very special because eh I spent all kinds of experiences from fights, moments of forgiveness, laughter, tears, love affairs and reconciliations. Moreover I like driving around town aimlessly or any pending, not realizing how quickly time passes.
I remember a long time, it was not long ago. My dad had given us the news to my sister and me that he and my mother were separating. I remember feeling a huge lump in my throat but I hold the tears and all I wanted was to get in my car. Without warning I left my house and I started driving, jumping on the...

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