Free Essays on Memoir

  1. Memoirs of a Geisha

    In Memoirs of a Geisha, Arthur Golden describes the life of a geisha in the early 20th century. He paints a picture of a working okiya in the Gion district through the eyes of his main character, the geisha Sayuri. Although the purpose of the geisha is to please the men who pay for her time, Golden...

  2. Aria: a Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood

    Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood Richard Rodriguez argues in his essay, A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, whether bilingual education is appropriate for school. In his opinion, he believes it is not okay for a student to learn in a language spoken at home. As a premature English speaker in...

  3. memoirs

    When the tardy bell rang, Mrs. A glided into the room and gave us all a stack of papers. She then proceeded to discuss our upcoming assignment, a memoir. As she explained the very important assignment, I wondered whom I would write about. No one really came to mind to write about and I thought for sure...

  4. Ugly Memoir chapter deconstruction

    Ugly Memoir Chapter 21- Higher learnings Page 204, Chapter Title, "higher learnings". Suggests that Robert reached a higher level of society, especially when he was the first in his family to go to university. The learnings he receive will become more specific and professional towards what his...

  5. Mini Memoir

    Conrado Sanchez Professor Ne Jame Writing 1100 L 1/22/14 Reflection Essay Mini-Memoir             WRI 1050 English Fundamentals for me was a turning point in finding out more of myself as a writer as well as the do’s and don’ts of college writing. This writing course has contributed and enhanced...

  6. The Dramatic Memoir of John Howard Griffin

    Black like me tells the story of John Howard Griffin,a White middle aged writer from Mansfield ,Texas. In this Dramatic Memoir the writer tell the readers his experience, while living undercover as a black middle aged man in the south. The author decided to take this risky undercover role in order to...

  7. linguistic memoir

    Memoir Ma . This was the very first word I said. It marked the beginning of my journey where I learned and absorbed languages that connected me to the world outside; that connected me to my family, friends and myself. Every night my mother would hum the familiar tunes of an old Hindi lullaby, calming...

  8. Explanatory Analysis

    In three memoirs,” Exile: El Paso, Texas”, “Profile of an Arab Daughter” and “Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space”, are focused on the stereotypes. Once read, I was able to find the culture, analysis and writers; structure. Saenz use the description in “Exile: El Paso, Texas”. In the introduction...

  9. Resources for Writers

    The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr., and E.B. White Allyn & Bacon, 2000. 105 pages. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft * On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King Pocket Books, 2000. 320 pages. Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose *...

  10. Elie Wiesel

    religious studies before his family was forced to relocate to Nazi death camps during WWII. Wiesel survived, and later wrote the internationally acclaimed memoir Night. He has also penned many books and become an activist, orator and teacher, speaking out against persecution and injustice across the globe. ...

  11. Equiano: West and East

    Alike: Comparisons of African Society and Western Society In Equiano’s critical memoir of his life, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, he takes it upon himself to dispel many stereotypes attributed to Africans in the West. In Chapter 1, part six, Equiano describes several of the...

  12. How Do I Love Thee

    If students need a more structured writing experience to create their memoirs, complete the ReadWriteThink lesson plan Family Memoir: Getting Acquainted With Generations Before Us before this lesson plan or incorporate the memoir-writing activity as a part of this lesson. Session Two 1. Resume...

  13. Child Soldier

    Preliminary Sources (Child Soldier) 1. Beah, Ishmael (2006). A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. New York: Sarah Crichton Books A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, is a memoir written by Ishmael Beah which provides a firsthand account of the decade long civil war in Sierra Leone...

  14. Who Is Shamsiah Fakeh

    her memoirs, she claimed that her marriage broke with Boestamam broke down due to her disagreement with the latter's decision to pay a fine to avoid a jail sentence for publishing a book deemed seditious by government in 1947 . Notably the marriage was never mentioned in any of Boestamam's memoirs and...

  15. The Fifth Business

    celebrated in the article, “Farewell to the Cork” (pp 7-9)? Dunstan calls his report a “memoir” (p 9). Look up the definition of “memoir.” What does Dunstan dislike about most memoirs (p 9)? What, according to Dunstan Ramsay, is a boy (p 9)? (3) How does Ramsay...

  16. New Criticism on

    Night New Criticism: Symbolism Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, wrote of his experiences in a particular fashion, unlike the usual memoirs. He used many literary devices in Night to increase the reader’s understanding of his perspective during the course of the book. One literary element that Wiesel...

  17. Blog post 2

    Latehomecomer by Kao Kalia Yang. This book also takes place in Minnesota and is also about the adjustments and complications getting settled here, however is memoir of a Hmong family. Despite the different culture the people from the library have similar issues as Yang’s Parents when it comes to juggling responsibilities...

  18. Generals

    general for the union army. He served under Ulysses S. Grant. He was in conduct for Indian wars and didn’t want to be drawn into politics. He also wrote memoirs and published them. Sherman graduated from west point. He was stationed in Georgia and South Carolina after he graduated. He was a member of the Whig-party...

  19. Eat Pray Love - Book

    The writing skills I learned from this book are: when you write a memoir, you are in effect writing your own hero's journey, because you are the hero of your own life. Use dialogue and scenes to animate your life story, and pace your memoir following the steps of the hero's journey....

  20. Schreber Case

    Schreber can still think logically as an intellect. Perhaps the best evidence of this lies in his coherent language and diction of his memoirs. Most readers of his memoirs will have a hard time disputing the fact that his mental condition prevents him from writing proficiently. Further evidence of his intact...

  21. Night Reaction Paper

    Buna. How much longer were our lives to be dragged out from one ‘last night’ to another?” Excerpt from Night by Elie Wiesel While reading the memoir, I felt little to no emotion. Considering the content of the book I know I should have had strong emotional reactions. I should be feeling sympathetic...

  22. Dealing Problems by Drinking Alcohol

    wife, but we can infer that he did, at the end of the second version of Act III. This play was a fiction memoir, but Brick’s steady character in the first version of Act III, didn’t allow this memoir to be realistic, because human beings have feelings and don’t act like Brick did towards his wife one hundred...

  23. Extra Credit 12/01/13

    child doesn't receive it from whom they deem the most important then it would be natural that they would seek it elsewhere. Lac Su, author of the memoir I Love Yous are for White People, sat alone on the stage of the Main Theater and shared quietly and candidly about his life as a Vietnamese refugee...

  24. Glass Castle Essay

    “Parents can only give good advice or lead the kids in the right path, but the forming of the child’s character lies in his or her own hands”. The memoir The Glass Castle, written by Jeanette Walls deals with what type of responsibilities a good parent should possess. Unfortunately, characters like Rex...

  25. Journals

    In the memoir The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls and her family lived in three main places over a thirty year period, the desert, Welch, and New York, all of which were very diverse and contributed to the Walls family in different ways. While living in the desert they are first taught many of their values...

  26. Night Novel Essay

    Two The Holocaust is a time where families are ripped apart and those who were still together turned on each other as the days go by. The memoir Night by Elie Wiesel is about himself and his life in the camps. He and his family are being sent to a concentration camp known as Auschwitz. When...

  27. Dissenting Opinion on Harper & Roe V. the Nation

    figures. The Supreme Court continues to argue that “absent such protection, there would be little incentive to create or profit in financing such memoirs, and the public would be denied an important source of significant historical information.” Though I cannot argue the effect of monetary influence...

  28. Girls

    in Girl Interrupted Susanna Kaysen's memoir, Girl Interrupted describes Kaysen's struggle to transcend across the boundary that separates her from two parallel universes: the worlds of sanity and insanity, security and vulnerability. In this memoir, Kaysen details her existence as a psychiatric...

  29. Neil Simon: the Great American Playwright

    Beach Memoirs is about Simon’s childhood and his difficulties as a child. Simon then wrote Biloxi Blues in which he discusses his stint in the army and the things he witnessed. Lastly, he wrote Broadway Bound, wherein he converses his foray into the television industry. Brighton Beach Memoirs is one...

  30. All Over but the Shoutin

    Rhetorical Analysis of Rick Bragg’s “All Over But the Shoutin’” Rick Bragg’s essay “All Over But the Shoutin’” illustrates all the things that make a memoir relatable. The writer expresses his personal and intimate reflections, making the reader empathize with his story. In this essay Bragg focuses on showing...

  31. The Maw of the Abyss

    through their hard times and came out all the better. First on the list is Ishmael Beah. Beah’s story is told through his book, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. In his book, he details the adventure he took as a village boy, to a child soldier, and later, to a U.S. citizen. After he is separated...

  32. Glass Castle Review

    The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, is a memoir in which the author tells the story of her young life and of the adversity she and her siblings faced. She grows up with parents whose principles and stubborn nonconformity are the cause of hardship for the family, but are also the basis foundation of...

  33. Angela's Ashes Essay

    Angela’s Ashes Angela’s Ashes, written by Frank McCourt, is a memoir about Frank’s childhood and all of the rough times he and his family had to face while living in poverty. In the book, Frank tells in depth stories about life...

  34. Glassss Clastle

    it threatens her children's well-being? 3) What is her philosophy of life and how does it influence her parenting style? 13. The title of the memoir is significant in its symbolism as something unfinished, or unrealized within the author's family. Discuss the title and its significance, considering...

  35. Large Sum Of Money Required For Space Programmes Could Be Better Used To Help The Poor In Developing Countries Views On This Statement

    the fact that the name is pronounced bāh-bor[10] in both Persian and Turkic, similar to the Russian word for beaver (бобр – bobr) Babur wrote his memoirs and these form the main source for details of his life. They are known as the Baburnama and were written inChaghatai Turkic, his mother-tongue,[11][unreliable...

  36. Reyna Grande Essay

    Abuela Evila refuses to accept her son’s children because they are not her blood. Natalio’s mother, Abuela Evil is the so called “bad guy” in this memoir. Instead of planning to cook her grandchildren like in Hansel and Gretel, Abuela Evila feeds them very little and treats them like they are worth no...

  37. The Bean Trees Review

    Ridge Parkway among some of the most incredible mountain scenery that they have seen, I have realized how normal it seems to me that I’m writing my memoir of my life with Cerebral Palsy at the age of 19. I can’t be surrounded by so many people who are chasing after their dreams without realizing that...

  38. Rumor of War Book Review

    unto the end, he shall be saved” Matthew 24:6 Philip Caputo’s relationship with the Vietnam War is depicted in a disturbingly beautiful way in the memoir “A Rumor of War.” Throughout the course of the book, approximately 16 months, we observe a young, ambitious boy ready to prove his manhood, in search...

  39. Discrimination in the 1940's

    author’s way of establishing trust with his or her reader. Maya Angelou is able to provide credibility to her writing by structuring her essay in a memoir style format. Maya Angelou attempts to present her work from a personal point of view. The larger piece that Graduation was a part of I Know Why the...

  40. Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay

    enlisted men has come from officers. Many regulars could barely write their own names. They did not write the battle reports and few of them left memoirs of their service careers. Rickey writes of the significance of these men and their day-to-day experiences using an impressive amount of research....

  41. Alexander History

    himself proclaimed king in 306. This, and not the conquest by Alexander, meant the formal end of the unity of the Achaemenid empire. Ptolemy wrote memoirs on Alexander's campaigns. They are almost entirely known from Arrian's Anabasis, but this is sufficient to come to some conclusions about their nature...

  42. Life Writing

    authenticity, ‘truth’, or trauma. Life writing has long existed in the world of literature. Where once it was confined to the autobiographies, memoirs, and diaries of women before feminism, since the 1990’s it has exploded into a phenomenon that covers many different sub genres and medium. (Douglas...

  43. World War 1 Origin

    it as an arbitrary and unfortunate mistake. In attributing causes for the war, historians and academics had to deal with an unprecedented flood of memoirs and official documents, released as each country involved tried to avoid blame for starting the war. Early releases of information by governments,...

  44. music meeyouzick

    trying times. I love listening to music while on my way to school, as I feel it helps me to prepare for the day that waits. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me.  When I was younger, I didn’t have the great love for musical as I do now. I mainly...

  45. Interview with a World War 2 Veteran

    do a search, and let me know (in advance) if you would like to view another. Memorias do carcere (Memoirs of Prison) (1986) – Portuguese with subtitles Based on the posthumously published memoirs of Gracilino Ramos who, under suspicion as a radical, was imprisoned on a penal island off the coast...

  46. Essay from John Frank

    that you haven’t shared yet? Got one? Go with THAT one. Write about THAT one. It doesn’t have to be so amazing or something you’d include in your memoir 30 years down the road, but it’s good for now and for showing those adcoms who you are and what you can do. Gussy it up by focusing on the lessons...

  47. Are You My Mother? Response Two

    reaction to Bechdel’s attempt to introduce Winnicott was definitely not the most encouraging reaction. She seems to resent Bechdel for writing the memoir but she cannot simply address the issue. She almost seems to be attacking Bechdel by attacking Maxine Kumin. And that seems like it is Bechdel and...

  48. Mentor in English

    the language with clarity. She really has good command of it. In fact, she always tells me that on her retirement age, she plans to write her own memoirs. I have read some of her letters to my father and I am really awed by the way they were written. They are full of emotions and passion. Her letters...

  49. my boy

    trying times. I loved listening to music while on my way to school, as I felt it helped me to prepare for the day that waited. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. When I was younger, I didn’t have the great love for musical as I do now. I mainly...

  50. omaha

    were tormented and brutality attacked by an angry mob, as local police observed with no sympathy for them. In my personal opinion from reading this memoir to me Moody titled this “Coming of Age in Mississippi” because she gave us a very personal articulate moving account of the frustrating struggles blacks...

  51. Memior of a Bilingual Childhood

    Herrera, 1. Adrianna Herrera 1/5/09 Per.5 Mr. Fischer Argument: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood In the opinion of Richard Rodriguez he argues in his essay whether bilingual education should be appropriate in schools. Rodriguez believes that it is not okay for students to speak the language...

  52. Antione Lavoisier

    Combustion is the chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to produce heat and light, seen as a flame. Antoine offered an important memoir on conversion of water into earth evaporation. This brought him to the Oxygen Theory of Combustion. In 1774, Lavoisier carried out experiments on calcinations...

  53. PHI 208 Week 3 Media Quiz

    world of war, both morality and authority are 19. In the video “What Is Just War Theory?” Michael Walzer argues it is important to read the essays and memoir literature of soldiers because 20. In the video “What is Just War Theory?” Michael Walzer states that a core idea of Just War Theory ...

  54. Period of Poland Literature

     encyclopedist and translator from French and Greek. Another prominent writer of the period was Jan Potocki (1761–1815), a Polish nobleman, Egyptologist, linguist, and adventurer whose travel memoirs made him legendary in his homeland. Outside Poland he is known chiefly for his novel, The Manuscript Found in Saragossa drawing comparisons to such...

  55. Music

    trying times. I love listening to music while on my way to university, as I feel it helps me to prepare for the day that waits. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. I had been fond of music for a long time since I was small. As I could remember, the...

  56. Elizabeth Gilbert's Writing Style Eat, Pray, Love (one woman’s search for everything) by Elizabeth Gilbert is a memoir of her travels and spiritual journey across 3 countries. Recently divorced (and a bad divorce at that), Elizabeth is feeling depressed and lost. So...

  57. Is God Real

    their own homes Home and relationships as a safe haven is something many young people don’t experience. Through the exposure of church scandals and memoirs, the public forums have begun to open up to discussing physical and sexual abuse. That is a very positive step, yet what has managed to slip from these...

  58. O Baby

    this essay that a person talks about what they know the best. That best subject is usually himself or herself. That is why so many essays are like memoirs because the author is writing about the life they lived and the accomplishments and problems that accompanied that life. This reading has opened...

  59. Our Past and Our Destinies

    a rough time because they did not know anything about the American culture and traditions, and Americans were being racist to them. The article “A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood” by Richard Rodriguez tells the story of a boy who could not keep up with his native language and lost his identity after...

  60. May Sartob's Bibliography

    of Summer Days (1952), as well as a volume of poetry, The Land of Silence (1953) which won the Reynolds Lyric Award. In 1954 Sarton wrote her first memoir, I Knew a Phoenix, excerpts of which first appeared in the New Yorker. This genre became an important one for Sarton and brought her a tremendous audience...