PHI 208 Week 3 Media Quiz

PHI 208 Week 3 Media Quiz

PHI 208 Week 3 Media Quiz

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1. According to Kant, persons:
2. According to Kant, suicide is:
3. According to the video “Religion, War, and Violence,” Just War Theory asserts that military intervention
4. According to Thomas Nagel’s article, “War and Massacre,” the absolutist position that creates no problems of interpretation is
5. According to Nagel, which of the following may be permitted by absolutism, at least in some circumstances?
6. Kant explains that respect for a person is:
7. Michael Walzer argues that there is a radical distinction between war and civil life because
8. Kant argues that when I find someone in need:
9. Which would be an example of a hypothetical imperative, according to Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals:
10. According to Nagel, to which of the following groups of people is hostility most appropriately aimed?
11. Which one of these is not
12. Jeremy Waldron argues that drone warfare is neither ethical or effective because it
13. Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by:
14. Reason is a faculty that we have that:
15. In Kant Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, the maxim of an act is:
16. According to the video “Religion, War, and Violence,” proponents of Just War Theory agree that without the restraints of Just War Theory
17. In the video “Drones Are Not Ethical and Effective,” Jeremy Waldron argues that drones are not ethical because their use involves

18. Michael Walzer argues that in the unique world of war, both morality and authority are
19. In the video “What Is Just War Theory?” Michael Walzer argues it is important to read the essays and memoir literature of soldiers because
20. In the video “What is Just War Theory?” Michael Walzer states that a core idea of Just War Theory

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