Addressing Strategic Challenges in Hrm Administration

Addressing Strategic Challenges in Hrm Administration

Addressing Strategic Challenges in HRM transformation:
In order for the Human resource Management team of a company to truly capitalize on being a strategic business partner it must first overcome the barriers that prevent transformation. These barriers afflict all HRM groups globally and may critically impede or even stop HR transformation. The first step to addressing these hurdles would be to become an efficient HRM administrative team. By organizing and employing effective administrative strategies, they should be able concentrate less on the administrative role they provide and more on strategic business decisions. In addition, further funding can be gained by effective cost reduction in their administrative costs.
• The skill level of existing HR staff is the most common impediment to its transformation goals. HRM teams who have been trained and worked almost exclusively in an administrative role now find the task difficult as they seek to move towards generating innovative ideas to cost reduction, work streamlining and integrating new technologies and concepts. In order to overcome this primary barrier HRM teams will need to identify the skill sets required for their transformation objectives. They must acquire those skill sets either with job training for existing staff, bringing on new workers with the talent required or outsourcing some of their initiatives to other firms.
• Following the barrier of skill level is the ability to build a justifiable business case to support their initiatives. As HRM staffs have been historically trained to deal with only administrative functions of the company, they tend to lack the ability to develop compelling business cases as they have little or no interaction with strategic business management issues. International surveys conclude that most HRM teams will outsource for what they lack to consultant firms or agencies.
The miasma of project complexity, bureaucracy and political issues also create...

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