Affirmative action should be revoked as a law in the United States of America.
Affirmative action directly contradicts our nation’s constitution. That all men should be created equal.
The president elect of the United States of America is now an African American. The democratic presidential nomination for president was also a woman, Hilary Clinton. The republican vice presidential candidate was also a woman, Sarah Palin. There is no reason for affirmative action in America.
Within this day and age a persons credentials are far more sought after than that of their skin tone and gender.
The equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment states that "no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". Under this amendment affirmative action is illegal in all 50 states of the United States of America.
Mr. Li a former high school class mate of mine was awarded a full scholarship to Bradley for 4 years. His GPA in high school was 4.2 out of 5. His ACT score was a 20. Mr. Li was only involved in band as an extracurricular activity. My GPA was a 4.16, ACT was a 23, I was involved in 4 sports during high school, President of a club I started, and involved in numerous other intramural sports. I was only awarded 4 thousand dollars a year to come to Bradley.
Affirmative action should be revoked as a law in the United States of America.
Affirmative action directly contradicts our nation’s constitution. That all men should be created equal.
The president elect of the United States of America is now an African American. The democratic presidential nomination for president was also a woman, Hilary Clinton. The republican vice presidential candidate was also a woman, Sarah Palin. There is no reason for affirmative action in America.
Within this day and age a persons credentials are far more sought after than that of their skin tone and gender.
The equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment states that...