George Washington/Cabinet/Judiciary Act of 1789: George Washington Virginian who was Commanderin-Chief of the Continental Army and President of the Constitutional Convention. Later became the first
President. Judiciary act organized the Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and five associate justices, as
well as the federal district and circuit courts and established the office of attorney general
Bill of Rights: Rights Although the Anti-Federalists failed to block the ratification of the Constitution, they
did ensure that the Bill of Rights would be created to protect individuals from government interference
and possible tyranny. The Bill of Rights, drafted by a group led by James Madison, consisted of the first
ten amendments to the Constitution, which guaranteed the civil rights of American citizens. It was
Alexander Hamilton's plan of that the federal government pay its full and assume the remaining debt of
the states in order to place the government on a sounder financial footing.
Report on the National Bank: another document issued by Alexander Hamilton. In this document,
Hamilton asked Congress to charter the bank of the United States. He wanted this to be jointly owned by
private stockholders and the national government. Hamilton argued that the bank would provide financial
stability by making loans to merchants, by handling government funds, and by issuing bills of credit.
Elastic clause/loose interpretation: It states that Congress has the power "to make all Laws which shall
be necessary and proper" for governing the country. This was made due to the fact that no one knew
what the country would be like in the future, and therefore this clause gave congress power to adjust to
the times in order to preserve the strength of the union. The idea that what the constitution did not forbid
it permitted. This was the viewpoint taken by Madison during his debate with Jefferson over the national
bank. Madison won.
Report on the subject of...

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