Arguing Cause

Arguing Cause

Arguing Cause Essay
In January 1993, Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and with this title came the harsh persecution and murder of 6,000,000 Jews and the destruction of 5,000 Jewish communities. These Jews were victims of Germany’s deliberate and systematic attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish population. In a time of economic hardship, after the loss of a large amount of territory in World War I, the Nazi party gained the advantage in the political system of Germany and used a vicious propaganda campaign against political opponents (Franklin). This government was soon consolidated and within a year of taking office, Hitler was in absolute control of Germany. With grassroots organization, a police infrastructure and secret police, the Nazis were blamed for Germany’s ills and terrorized, beaten, killed or sent to concentration camps in an effort to eliminate the race (Marrus).
Many have questioned the motives of the Holocaust and tried to find a name to blame or an explanation for the actions the followers took who seemed to have no issues following their leader without questioning the actions they were being told to take. Naturally, people blame the key initiator and conceptualizer, Adolf Hitler (Marrus). Without hiding any hatred towards the Jews or showing any remorse or regret for his actions, Hitler lead a nation to believe that the Jews were a race of sin. Did one person shatter the ability of a world full of people to think for themselves? Was it the influence of religion, that was used in explanation and convincing, that made the murder of a race acceptable? Was it the fear of a leader who seemed to have unlimited power the cause of people becoming murders? What were the motivational factors of the Holocaust? What make it okay for a father to kill another man’s child because they were Jewish? Was the nation hurting so badly that it eased their pain to watch a race suffer to their deaths?
To look back on the Holocaust, one must...

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