Using what you have read in this introduction to TESOL and your own knowledge, what do you consider to be the blocks which may prevent language learning?
The main idea of learning a language is getting the result or pleasure from the process. Our aim as a teacher is to help our students to get what they aim at.
The feeling of success comes when students reach their goals, feel the result and are happy about that.
It is sometimes problematic for the student to feel progress and the teacher plays a key role in guiding the student.
“We need our students to be happy” is a crucial idea presented in the course.
Having analysed the ideas in the introduction to TESOL, I would outline the following blocks which may prevent language learning.
Bad relationship will never allow students to feel at ease with the teacher. What do we imply when we speak about “bad relationship”? If we do not try to feel or welcome students, if we avoid relaxing the student at the lesson or showing the student's progress, if we never praise the student or show interest in the student's personality, we will never be able to build a good rapport with the student.
At the same time, if the teacher feels stressed at the lesson, it will hardly contribute to creating a good atmosphere.
Teaching strictly to a book without adapting or personalising the material to the student's needs or using artificially created content demotivates learners.
Manuals are unified and stable, and this is the teacher's task to adjust it to a certain situation, the type and the mood of the student.
Monotonous lessons, as well as boring ones, make students indifferent to lessons and studying in general.
Very quickly the student can lose any hope to learn a language because the tempo or the topic are not suitable, or the types of exercises are the same through the whole lesson (a set of lessons, the whole course).
Excessive use of TTT steals time from the student, leading to the lack...