Class president

Class president

Why is it someone gets mad at you because your finished doing something? I know my own limits and I've more than passed them already today and yet he acts as if he's mad because I said no to something. I'm already shaking on the inside, nervous, feeling sick, and light headed and I still have to keep it together so that I can take care of the kids when they get home and so that I am able to do everything else he wants me to do through out the day. I haven't had any sleep in two days and now I can't even think very straight. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do? He tells me to go to a doctor, but yet I can't until I can go with out anything for awhile and I can't do that because he gets mad if I don't do the sI hate having to walk on egg shells in what is supposed to be my own home. I can't be myself, I sure can't say how I feel about anything, I have to jump up and do what I'm told as if I where a child. I'm a nervous wreck all the time not knowing if what I said or did will cause an argument. I wish I could go back in time a few months ago to when we were happy, or at least I thought we were, maybe I was wrong. I asked him to please take me back because I realized I wasn't happy without him. I love you more than anything I just really wish he could see that I do. I feel as though nothing I do is ever good enough or right. I try my hardest to keep the house clean the way he wants, but I'm not supposed to clean if he is home, I try to keep the laundry done up even without a washer and dryer, not supposed to do them if he's home either, and I try my hardest to do what I'm told to and how I'm told to do it, yet it's never enough. I'm told that I never do anything to help with the bills, yet he gets every bit of money in ever given even holiday money I'm given, and I'm told I never help with anything. I'm so heart broken, but I have to hold it in and never say a word!! We never sit in the living room with the kids anymore, we stay in the bedroom 24/7. I can't...

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