Contemporary health

Contemporary health

The leading causes of death in BC:
Cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, unintentional death by injury, digestive disease, diabetes, nervous system disease, circulatory system disease, vascular/senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease.
Health promotion through education, advertising, handout materials - increasing awareness
ParticipAction (Canadian government program promoting exercise)
Health bashing discriminating person based on a health problem of a person.
Compliance sticking with something
Gender differences
Much of lifestyle depends on the belief
Attitude (positive and negative)
Behaviour modification – very complex process, using psychological techniques effectively.
Efficacy – how effective it is
Cessation – quitting, stopping, eliminating
Predisposing factors: knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, values, social economics, selected demographic variables
Enabling factors: availability and accessibility of health resources, community/government priority and commitment to health, health-related
Reinforcing factors: family, peer group (wanting badly to fit in and changing to behaviour), media, work place, teachers, employers, health provider.
Psycho-somatic/hypochondria – imagining illness
Spontaneous remission – start taking medication and it helps, though person getting better due to immune system
Mind-body connection
PNI (psychoneuroimmunology)
Research (using meaningless jargon)
Peer reviewed
Double blind study
Funding (whoever is paying might have a bias)
Institution (where the research was done)
Number of subjects
Replication (how many times study has been done)
Canada's Health Care system
Provinces must adhere to federal guidelines for care funding
Harm reduction program
Free needle exchange
Legalizing marijuana
Private clinics
Group practice (physicians share a practice)
reduces costs (duplication)
Ambulatory clinic
minor surgery at outpatient...

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