Degler Summary:

Degler Summary:

To better summarize the Industrial Leviathan in its entirety, we must understand the title. What is a Leviathan; a Leviathan is often intimately connected to the idea of chaos and destruction, whereas the word is originated as a huge and fierce water monster, mentioned in several books of the Bible. The Industrial Leviathan, then, tells of the Industrial Era rise and fall, as well as the story behind it, and the obstacles that had to be overcome, which eventually led to the end of the independent industrial era, leading to its Leviathan.

At first glance, Industrialism seemed to be the “Bigness”, the “it” of its time. The industrial empires were backed by an economy of high competitors. Their plans were devised as the small units of production would expand into larger units of production, which would overtake the control of business, with the backing of rising America with the “trusts”. There was however, one common goal, which was “the control of the market and the elimination of competition.” The consolidation of the American Industries relied on “trusts” to survive such as the Sugar Trust, the Steel Trust, the Oil Trust, and so on. The first major corporation was the United States Steel Corporation, the fusion of numerous companies, allowed stabilization over a ten year period, of the price of steel.

As to follow behind the United States Steel Corporation and its success, other companies began to follow their blueprint. The cotton goods industry, the agricultural machinery, even new industries such as the electrical machinery manufacturing, all showed an increase in production/ the value of output for its establishment in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The railroading companies also attempted experimentation in consolidation. The entrepreneur behind this railroad consolidation is Edward Harriman, he succeeded in the establishment of an empire of railroads. He later teamed up with J.J Hill in the development of the Northern Securities...

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