Different Representations of Characters

Different Representations of Characters

  • Submitted By: curitaj
  • Date Submitted: 10/05/2008 7:29 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 924
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 1

Lord of the Flies

William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” was a read between the lines piece of literature. With every word there was more meaning to what was actually displayed. Golding used allegory, metaphors, and symbols to show the savagery or progression into savagery of man kind. With the character Piggy the author used allegory to explain the voice of reasoning among the world and within man. Golding made Piggy’s glasses a symbol which was that of fire/technology and used it to display how helpful and how destruct full technology can be. The beast was a metaphor for the savagery that lies within one person and comes out due to the test of a person’s civility.
Piggy’s significance in Lord of the Flies is that of the “wise man” or of the conscience/voice of reasoning. Piggy represents also the scientific and rational aspects of society. Golding painted a picture of a person that was very intellectual but at the same time insecure. Piggy is aware of the situation that the boys are in and his main goal is to make it off of the island. Although not many of the other boys wanted to hear the things that Piggy had to say they certainly used his ideas. Piggy was a very intelligent person; he was a rational boy. Not many of the children understood death or believed that they were “free” to do without adults. But Piggy had experienced death and had claimed that the pilots were dead and they were to fend for themselves. He was indeed an outcast having only Ralph to be his “safety net”, and at one point and time Ralph had made fun of him. Piggy’s death came as a result of being the outcast. Many of the other boys believed that he was not a help to their “struggle”. He was not given meat because he did not hunt is an example. Little did the boys know that without his glasses there would be no signal fire. Many times in life there is a person who is secluded because they are an intellectual being, but their ideas and contributions are always looked for. Science can be...

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