Digitizing Libraries

Digitizing Libraries

Digitizing Libraries
While I can see the issues that authors and publishers may face with the digitizing of libraries, I completely support this concept and see this trend becoming the mainstay with the future of libraries. My reasoning behind this is that this is a technology and computer driven day and age. People are leading incredibly busy lives that may not allow them the time to go to the library. If people have access to the research that they need over the internet, they are able to lead a more productive life by being able to access this information from anywhere in the world.
While I am not an author and do not have an insight into that world, but my opinion on this is that authors and publishers need to evaluate the trend of the world and see that everything is turning to digital formats. For instance, I listen to books as an mp3. I am way too easily distracted when I sit down and read a hard copy of a book and find that I am able to make it through a book if I can listen to it. This also allows me to be more productive as I am able to multi-task. The downside to this concept is that I may not have as great of comprehension reading this way, but is conducive to my busy lifestyle and a concept that has worked well for me thus far.
As I was doing some research, I came across a website that went into some good detail regarding this very issue. According to Wikipedia, libraries that have digital collections primarily consist of self-generated content or books that have become out-of-copyright (Wikipedia). I do not see any library that is willing to risk a law suit just to have books available in a digitized format. Therefore, all of these libraries are in complete copyright compliance. Another way to handle the copyright issues by digital libraries has been accomplished by purchasing a license for the material and creating a system of “Digital Rights Management (Wikipedia).
With all of the legal stuff aside, I believe that the benefits to...

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