Educational Autobiography

Educational Autobiography

Kyle Witherspoon
Ms. Weston
English 101-07
May 23rd, 2013
Educational Autobiography
High School was a crucial learning experience for me. There were ups and downs and lots of memorable moments in between. It would prepare me for life, not just college. High school taught me many things about myself and my emotions. It would expose the positive and negative nature of my character. My time at Bolingbrook High School would shape me into the man I am today.
After years of trying to establish a certain personality in elementary and middle school, I was expected to mature on my first day as a freshmen. I had to realize that no one but me would be responsible and held accountable for my actions. This real world experience would definitely affect me and my attitude on life.
I started at Bolingbrook High with a great feeling because I had won the war between myself and my grandmother on which school I would attend. My grandmother wanted to send me to a school where I would not know anyone, so I would be less likely to get into trouble. I wasn’t thinking of getting into trouble. My priorities were focused on basketball, good grades, and my girlfriend that I had been dating since sixth grade. I did all of those things for the first two years, but I became bored with being a goody-goody as I got older. I started hanging out with a different crowd than the one I grew up with and knew for years. With these new friends I began skipping school, getting bad grades, and caring less for basketball; all of which were unusual for me. My young brain was telling me change was needed.
It was the end of the first semester in December of my junior year when acting out would lead to a serious problem. My new found friends and I were on our way to pick up a paycheck from an after school job when we saw two guys from a school across town. We had trouble with these guys in the past so we thought it would be fun to scare them since they were outnumbered.
We began...

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