Effects of the Slave Trade

Effects of the Slave Trade

The major nations involved in the slave trade were England, Africa, and the United

States. The practice of slavery had a history of hundreds of years. It was made illegal in America

in 1807, although it continued in small part for many years after that.

The Middle Passage refers to the passage of African people from Africa to America, as

part of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Ships that departed Europe for African markets with

commercial goods, which were traded for kidnapped Africans who were transported across the

Atlantic as slaves. The enslaved Africans were sold or traded for raw materials, which would be

transported back to Europe to complete the triangular trade. The term Middle Passage refers to

that branch of the transatlantic trade in which millions of Africans were imprisoned, enslaved,

and removed from their homelands. This trade route compares to the silk route. The Silk Route

was given its name by a 19th century Austrian geologist, Ferdinand von Richthofen. He named

the road after the main form of currency that the Chinese used. There are no written records that

mark the beginning of the Silk Road, but there are some guesses as to how it began. The

Silk Road might have begun when nomadic people would trade goods with one another over the

course of their wanderings. Valued trade items were tin, gold, turquoise, rubies, cotton, jade,

camels, and horses. Not only were goods traded but also ideas such as metalworking, the wheel,

the chariot, and writing.

There are various lingering ripple effects of the slave trade that still exist today. One

example is the relations between the United States and Mexico. A problem that is

occurring in regards to Mexican immigration and border hopping in the United States.

Most Mexicans come to the U.S in search of freedom and a new opportunity. But, most

immigrants are taken advantage of by U.S business owners. The immigrants will be...

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