Communicative Campaigns to Effect Anti-Slavery and Fair Trade: the Cases of Rugmark and Cafedirect. Pierre Mcdonagh

Communicative Campaigns to Effect Anti-Slavery and Fair Trade: the Cases of Rugmark and Cafedirect. Pierre Mcdonagh

In our authored assignment by Pierre McDonagh, the main topic under exploration is the direct effects of slavery, in all its forms, and child labor on marketing activities. According to the abstract, “This inquiry examines the challenge for marketers to foster both anti-slavery and fair trade”, while conceding on child labor. (McDonagh, P., “Communicative campaigns to effect anti-slavery and fair trade”, 2002, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 36 No. 5/6, pp.642-646). This article tries to create a link between marketing activities and society’s requirements. A point worth note taking is the idea of domination by the developed western world over the developing eastern hemisphere. The developed world thrives on their ‘charity’ called outsourcing as a means to increase the level of disposable income in the developing worlds. Davies and Voy argue that “there exists a negative relationship between FDI and child labor…This effect, however, appears to mainly be channeled through an income effect” (Davies, R. and Voy, A., “The effect of FDI on Child Labor”, April 2007, Department of Economics-University of Oregon, No. 215). Trade openness hence, does not necessarily help eradicate child labor or foster anti-slavery. This review of the authored assignment identifies the analysis conducted with the aim to contribute to knowledge on child labor and slavery, although incoherent with the underlying assumptions of this article.
Analysis of Methodology: The Why and the How
Practical methods such as direct observation and personal interviews were utilized for the primary reason that the employed world is unaware of modern-day slavery. As explained by Mr. John Miller, “Modern-day slavery takes many forms: there is domestic servitude slavery, there is factory and farm slavery, there is child soldier slavery, and there is sex slavery, which is probably the largest category.” (Miller, J., “Remarks at the Underground Railroad Freedom Center Dedication”,...

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