Following Orders and Geospatial Engineers

Following Orders and Geospatial Engineers

The Importance of Following Orders, and How it Pertains to Being a Geospatial Engineer

Obviously, in the military, following orders is more important than anything else, because that is how things get done. By following orders, needs that must be met will be met, and with good time if orders are followed exactly. Following orders also shows discipline that is needed to have the Army function most proficiently. Whether alone or as a unit, orders must be followed no matter what the orders are, who gives the orders, or who or what the orders pertain to. Laws, too, come into play when orders are given, because there are some orders that are unlawful to give, and can be disobeyed given proper reasoning. Geospatial Engineers must learn to follow all orders to the exact specifications given, both timely and in order, because the products that are made and presented could very well decide the outcome of a dangerous mission, and therefore could decide the fate of soldiers’ lives. Geospatial Engineers must also put out the correct product needed for any given situation easily, because each product is meant for exact reasons, and an incorrect product could compromise a situation.

The Army, just like any organization, government, nation, or any kind of a group of people, has needs, and plenty of them, given the massive size and intricacy of the military. And to meet these needs, orders are given, from higher-ranked individuals to the lower ranked individuals, and depending on the orders and the needs, the orders will continue moving down the line until the needed individual or group is given said orders. When the orders reach the intended recipient or recipients, it is generally expected for the orders to be carried out immediately, because when orders are given, something is needed, and almost always by a specific time, but even if there is no exact time limit given, it is still generally a good idea to carry out the orders as soon as possible so that needs are taken...

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