Forum 3

Forum 3

Mr. Gaffney’s assessment of GameStop was insightful and revealing. He points out that although GameStop is the largest retailer of video game products, the overall outlook for the industry is not positive (Company Overview, 2014). The company has made efforts to expand its customer appeal by specializing in a certain aspect of the electronics fields. GameStop made tremendous strides financially once they aggressively marketed their used game sales in 2009 (Kane & Bustillo, 2009). This was the first of several initiatives and circumstances that have put GameStop in a position to be an excellent investment as indicated by Mr. Gaffney. The next initiative that they capitalized on was game, equipment and console pre-ordering (Wilson, 2013). This initiative creates excitement and anticipation for items that may be “hard to get”, thereby increasing company profit. Mr. Gaffney identifies the profit increases the company has seen over the last years. It is apparent through his research that his advice to invest in GameStop is sound. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (ESV) states, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. “ This exemplifies GameStop’s approach to finding new inventive ways to market their company.
Company Overview (2014). S&P Capital IQ, McGraw Hill Financial. Retrieved from, Y. I., & Bustillo, M. (2009). Used games score big for GameStop. The Wall Street Journal, 21, B1.
Wilson, J. L. (2013). The lovely lure of the video game pre-order.

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