health and social care level 3 unit 7

health and social care level 3 unit 7

Unit 7 assignment 1

P1 Explain the principle sociological prespectives meaning functionalism, Marxism, feminism, interactionism, collectivism, postmodernism, ‘New Right’

Functionalism is a Consensus theory where it looks at society as a functional unit and also where everyone in society agrees with the norms and values that people should live by. Parsons believes that Organic Analogy is the key to functionalism therefore it shows that all organs in a human body need to work together to function the human body. In relations to society functionalist believe that all institutions are interdependent and must work together in order to run a society smoothly. Functionalists also believe that individuals are shaped and made up of social structures such as family, school and religion.
Family is the main resource on how a person is shaped Family provides for all members by meeting physiologic needs such as shelter, food and clothes. Family also provides a sense of safety security and belonging. Family on a whole builds the self esteem of an individual so that they are ready to access the education system. Parsons believed from birth and the early years of life that a human brain is like a sponge meaning it absorbs attitudes , beliefs and certain behaviors. Therefore, from home individuals learn the basics of right from wrong this is a part of primary socialization where the individuals mind is malleable and weak therefore they are easily influenced by others behavior.
Secondary socialization is from childhood, adolescence and adulthood where they step out into the world and socialize through education and employment. During secondary socialization the individual finds out what society expects of them. This changes the individual’s behavior instantly due to wanting to fit in with society.
Another social structure is social stratification which shows the hierarchy of society looking at the upper, middle and working class. Stratification is...

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