Introduction to Leadership

Introduction to Leadership

  • Submitted By: diabloz81
  • Date Submitted: 10/09/2013 7:58 AM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 1313
  • Page: 6
  • Views: 142

Introduction to Leadership
Leadership is defined as the ability of a leader to direct and influence his followers to perform task related activities. This ability will determine the extent of achieving the organization’s goal through its employees.
The term ‘leadership’ has always been a fascinating and challenging aspect in the business field. The qualities that define a good leader are often discussed and analyzed to determine the best leadership styles, and a common belief is that leaders are born, and not made.
Contrary to this belief, leadership qualities can be learned if one has the desire, perseverance and intention of service.
In this assignment, we shall discuss and elaborate which leadership theory best contributes to effective leadership and the consequences of poor leadership.
The three approaches to leadership that will be discussed are:
i) Trait Approach
ii) Behavioral Approach
iii) Situational Approach

Trait Approach to Leadership
Successful leaders who are cut out to lead an organization are usually people who are believed to possess exceptional qualities. The trait approach is used for the identification of critical leadership qualities or traits among the promising candidates before selecting the right one to assume leadership positions in an organization. Some of the more common traits that are seen in leaders today are as follow;
i) Ability to exhibit self-control in one’s emotion
ii) Social skills
iii) Technical ability and knowledge
iv) Motivating
v) Friendliness
vi) Administrative skills
vii) Charismatic qualities
However, the trait approach is considered not to be an effective way to determine a successful leader as certain qualities like honesty and integrity cannot be measured.
Behavioral Approach – McGregor’s Theories
Behavioral theories are focused mainly on the belief that leaders are made and not born. The qualities that a person possesses do not shape a leader, but rather, the...

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