Journal paper

Journal paper

A defining characteristic of autism is impairment of social interactions social impairments are typically present across many different environments, multiple classes of people and manifest in many different behaviors. One area in which children with autism often have difficulties is initiating social interactions with peers (Brian Reichow 2013). In this particular journal article, Brian and Edward are trying to increase verbal greeting initiations for a student with autism via an intervention. The participant was George. He is an 11 year old male who was educationally diagnosed with autism. As assessed by the Wechsler Intelligence and he scored above average grades on his report cards in school. Although he was able to use verbal means to interact with his peers, occasionally when he was irritated he used a harsh voice. George occasionally interacted with his peers, but he spent more time interacting with adults in solitary activities. Event recording was used to record the number of acceptable verbal greeting initiations. The acceptable verbal initiations were: Hello, Good morning to adults and Morning, what’s up, hey for his peers. There were only two differences between the baseline and intervention conditions and differences between the baseline and intervention conditions and they were changes during the intervention process. The first change was the addition of a written instruction on the participant’s daily schedule directing him to read the social story in the resource room. The second change was George independently reading the social story while in the resource room. After he completed reading the story, he transitioned to the regular education classroom. It was unclear if other prompts, including naturally occurring prompts, might have been able to achieve the results wince a majority of the target behavior was shown when the social story was present.

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