Literacy is one of the most powerful tools we have in our world today. As we look back at the past, we can see that literacy is one way that we know so much about generations before us. Even the Mayans used literacy expressed themselves by using literacy, and created what most believe to be the most accurate calendar we have. From my years of developing more knowledge of literacy, I have discovered that literacy is not just a tool of communication, but a way of power.
Everybody must start off slow to become literate in life. It starts off with memorizing the alphabet and learning to write the letters of the alphabet. Once the alphabet is mastered, the most important step is next, which can only be learned through being exposed by literacy- increasing vocabulary. This is where the power of knowledge is gained in life. By understanding definitions of different words, critical thinking increases as well. Reading more and more helps us provide information of what there is in the world. Even if what you are reading may be fiction, you can still pick an idea or message from what it is that you are reading to develop your own thought. Grammar is another key step to becoming literate because of the importance of proper communication to one another to express personal knowledge and thought. The key importance of literacy is interpretation to analyze and develop personal critical thought.
Throughout my own life, I have basically repeated these steps over and over to become literate. I am constantly learning more vocabulary and ways of proper grammar usage as I get older. School has been providing me to understand more about literacy. My teachers have me read, research, and write about different subjects to gain knowledge of many different subjects. After each assignment of mine is completed and graded, I still learn from that assignment. For every writing assignment, my teachers tell me what is grammatically wrong and give me their own personal feedback to what I could...