Looking for Alaska - Summarys

Looking for Alaska - Summarys

Chapter 10 - One hundred days before
Miles spends some time alone with Alaska and decides to ask her about her first name. Alaska explains that her parents could not agree on a name, so they decided to let her choose her own name when she is old enough to do so. She explained that she choose the name at the time because Alaska was a big place, and it was far from Alabama, like she wanted to be. She later explains that she loves the meaning of the word Alaska which means “that which the sea breaks against”. Miles becomes increasingly fond of Alaska after spending time alone with her.

Chapter 17 - Sixty-seven days before
Miles spends some time with Takumi. Eventually, Takumi admits to Miles that Alaska is the one who snitched on Paul and Marya. Alaska had done something that could have sent her home, but the Eagle asks her for any information she had in order to stay at the boarding school, so she ratted them out. Miles definitely did not except Alaska to ever be a snitch, but understands the situation.

Chapter 22 - Forty-seven days before
The Colonel comes back to Culver Creek to bring Alaska and Miles back home with him for Thanksgiving. He says his mother could not bear the thought of having two of the Colonel’s close friends staying behind for Thanksgiving. They drive two hours together and eventually get his home, which is a trailer. The Colonel and his mother, Dolores are very poor and it is evident to Miles because of their lifestyle. Miles is overly happy because he gets to share a bed with Alaska, although nothing happens between them.

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