

Martrell Fields
English 101
9 AM Class

We Are Better Then Our Patents Generation

It is often unspoken of in media, but as a man growing up in this society I have finally began to seek out differences between the life I am currently living, and the lives of individuals who fought for me to live this very life, generations before me. I have been burying myself in research on the real differences between then & now. It is a constant battle with the Presidential race going, we are witnessing firsthand how crazed and indifferent our world is between my parents’ generations of the 1950’s and 60’s and my own of the 90’s and 2000’s. From them growing up with racism, and drug problems in the Nixon War On Drugs Era and my very own life where we are seeking the exact same justice that our elders died for. This specific paper will be comparing the differences in the two.
The differences between the generations are most relevant in the 60’s with the civil rights movement. The civil rights in a lot of ways between now and then differ. The civil rights movement of the 1960’s according to the United States National Park service’s website was when” Many states adopted restrictive laws which enforced segregation of the races and the second-class status of African Americans. The courts, the police, and groups such as the Ku Klux Klan all enforced these discriminatory practices.” (1) These laws back then where built to keep a lot of blacks uneducated. After years of segregation a lot of blacks never knew exactly how to react after years of oppression. Which goes into the nonviolent acts of blacks during this time. Including the works of Dr. King, which he preached non-violence to his people. Which more than often meant more blacks than whites at these meetings. Dr. King sought to give more knowledge to Blacks during a trivial time where leadership was necessary. Government agencies had begun to coerce...

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