Mastering a Skill - Socialization

Mastering a Skill - Socialization

  • Submitted By: sugartitts
  • Date Submitted: 10/15/2009 6:06 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 815
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 666

Socializing Skill
One skill I think that most people do not have but could benefit from mastering is a social skill. We all use it for business like meetings, customer service, and job* interviews basically in *an*everyday life. I remember when I was in the 12*th*grade I couldn’t graduate with my class due to me failing on my science taks test. I went through tutorials every day after school, and one of the teachers asked me to give a speech for a company who has volunteered to help students*prepare themselves for the test. I was excited and honored to be able to speak for all the students who were struggling like me. When it came to the actual day of giving a speech in front of all these important people I began to shake and cluttered my own words. I hated myself for messing up I didn’t understand why if I had went over and over my own words to sink them in. I was only a kid at the time, but *as I continued to make my speech I actually got better with my socializing skills. *I thought it was the end of my fear of giving speeches, but I was wrong the instructor asked me to make another speech in front of almost a thousand people at a mall to make it on the news paper. Of course I agreed and it was the most amazing experience not only did I speak for my school, but I spoke for the students that couldn’t speak for themselves. *It was an honor to me and a memory that I still carry with me*,* and share with because it was an experience *that helped me brake my shell I was so use to.
*Another way I think people should master their socializing skills is relationships. You see people getting divorced or separating for lack of communication. We see it all around our everyday lives could be either on T.V., our neighbors, or even a store we might be shopping at. Couples fight so much for the littlest things that could be solved,* but the pri*de comes in which leads to hurt,*and misunderstanding each other. Lack of socializing causes arguments, hurtful words, maybe...

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