Movie Project-Jobs

Movie Project-Jobs


The movie we choose to make our assignment is not our favorite movies but the person who the movie is based on has been huge interest to us since we heard his story. The movie is titled “Jobs”; it is based on the true story of Steve Jobs, one of the most innovating man and global icon of 21st century. He was co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.  The title role is played by Ashton Kutcher, with Josh Gad playing the role of Apple Computer's another co-founder Steve Wozniak at all. It is directed by Joshua Michele Stern written by Matt Whitely, and produced by Mark Hulme. The movie was honored in Sundance film festival on 2013.


The film begins in 2001 with a middle-aged Steve Jobs (Auston Kutcher) introducing the IPod at an Apple Town Hall meeting. It then flashes back to Reed College in 1974. Jobs had already dropped out due to the high expense of tuition, but was still attending classes with the approval of Dean Jack Dudman (James Woods) who took him under his wing. Jobs is particularly interested in a course on calligraphy. He meets up with his friend Daniel Kottak (Lucad Haas) who also accompanied with Jobs to spend time in India two years later, Jobs is back in Los Altos, California living at home with his adoptive parents Paul (John Getj) and Clara (Lesley Ann Warren). He is working for Atari and develops a partnership with his friend Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad) after he sees that Wozniak has built a personal computer (Apple1). They name their new company Apple Computer, though there already is a company called Apple records that is owned by The Beatles. Wozniak gives a demonstration of the Apple I at the Homebrew Computer Club. Jobs is later approached by Paul Terrel (Brad William) who shows interest in the Apple 1. Knowing that he and Wozniak will need a studio...

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