Psychology Notes

Psychology Notes

Chapter 5
Circadian Rhythms
Biological clocks, the most studied circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle
Stages of Sleep
Sleep stages are defined in terms of brain wave patterns
Stage 1
The lightest stage of sleep
Easiest to wake up
Stage 2, 3, and 4
Eye movement stops
Brain produces delta waves
Sleep is deeper (especially in 4)
Less muscle activity
Hard to wake up
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
REM sleep – rapid eye movement period of sleep connected to dreaming
We have the most vivid dreams during REM sleep
Freudian View
Freud said dreams reflect a person’s unconscious wishes and urges
The Biopsychological Approach
Dreams are biological
During sleep neurons fire in a part of the brain that controls movement and vision
The brain tries to make sense of this
The inability to sleep
Psychological or chemical
Night Terrors
They have physical symptoms, gasp for air, incoherent talking
Sleep walking
Sleepwalkers roam about mostly at night during stages of sleep
Sleep Apnea
Breathing interruption occurring during sleep
People suddenly fall asleep no matter where they are or what time it is
Focusing attention to slow metabolism and helps produce feelings of relaxation
An altered state of consciousness in which people respond while they are in it
Posthypnotic suggestion
Therapist gives instructions during hypnosis for patient to carry out after session has ended
The body at some point craves the drug to feel normal and/or to get the high
Effects on the consciousness: distorts perception, changes in mood, hallucinate
Drunkenness- root of word toxin means poison
Slow the activity of the nervous system
Addictive depressants used to relieve pain and induce sleep
Increase activity of nervous system
Perception of object or sound that seems real but is not there
False ideas that seem real

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