

Law & Class Social class is not only determined by your family name but also by your education and success on the job. Its relatively fluid b/c it does focus on achievements. Economic class is determined by peoples assets and resources. Taking both of these classes and combining them together determines how peoples life chances will be. These life classes are reflected in wealth, education, employment and housing. In regards to those inequalities the law benefits towards those of high social and economic status. Generally speaking there are 3 ways that this work. 1. Our country being very individualistic so our definition of equality is based upon the neutrality of the law. The law should not explicit the one group over another but it implicity does. Just because the laws are neutral doesn’t mean that it does not impact one group over another. 2. Americans do not think that the gov. should have an active way of distributing resources from the rich to the poor. Our system is not set up like Switzerland or Finland. All the wealthy people must give 50% of there earnings to the gov and that helps them pay for healthcare for everyone. 3. We tend to emphasize individual freedom over class action. Right to work laws in the U.S. has made it difficult to have effective unions in this country. Experiment Research Poor black men in Tuskegee Alabama was a subject of a medical study which involved the doctors not treating the patients with what they were coming to the doctors office to get treated for. The men has syphilis and the doctors were not treating them at all. The men thought they were being cured and all they were apart of was a experiment to see how long it would take to spread without treatment. Medical marijuana In 1937 the federal gov banned the use of marijuana and in 1970 the control substance act said you could not distribute or sell marijuana between the state lines. Doctors feel that marijuana can treat multiple scarosis and could also work to cure pain....

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