Teamwork in the Work Place

Teamwork in the Work Place

  • Submitted By: abenaa
  • Date Submitted: 08/05/2013 10:51 AM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 634
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 3

Japanese writer Ryunosuke Satoro once said, "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean" [source: Gschwandtner]. This beautiful metaphor describes a very simple and practical idea: By working together, people can accomplish far more than they could alone. It's a sentiment increasingly being shared by the corporate world.
Teamwork has become an integral part of the modern workplace. No longer are companies sticking to the old-fashioned hierarchical structure. They realize that their staff can be more productive when they work together. Studies confirm this idea, finding that teamwork improves innovation, enhances problem-solving and boosts productivity [sources: Stanford Graduate School of Business, Journal of Managerial Issues].
As another saying goes, "There's no 'I' in 'team.'" Teamwork requires collaboration. It involves a group of people who bring together their different skills, ideas and work styles for a common goal. Yet teamwork doesn't mean that individuals have to set aside their personal goals for the good of the group. The best teams enhance each person's abilities and encourage all members to grow personally and professionally. Team members support one another through challenging tasks and difficult periods.
The complexity and nature of some work makes it difficult for an individual to complete assigned tasks effectively. For this reason, companies form teams of people with complementary skills who work together, pooling experience and accomplishing common goals. As employees coordinate their efforts in a mutually supportive manner, a company benefits in many ways, including increased performance in work production.
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