Teen Gangs

Teen Gangs

Teen gangs

Teen gangs in schools are at an all time high. In Denver 14% of the school kids were gang members (J.W Finkelstien pg.3). When kids join gangs their grades drop dramatically. There are many different gangs and they do many different things. Some of the reasons teens join gangs are negative attitudes, racism, and problems at home.
First, they create negative attitude. They can bully other kids at school. They pick on kids that they see as vulnerable. They also get into fights. “You can’t stop the fights you just have to contain them” (Elizabeth Pates pg.67). Gang fights can turn very bad very fast. I hope our school never gets bad gang fight.
Secondly, they create racism. “Racism is an all too common thing, but there’s can be a lot of tension between two different ethnic groups” (Alvin Wang pg.2). Racism is a huge problem in schools. They can create a bad situation, if people are talking trash it can turn into a fight very quickly. If a kid is feeling like people are calling him names or leaving him out because of his skin color, he might feel like he needs to prove himself. “It doesn’t matter the color of your skin or the way you talk it matters about what’s inside” (Dr. King). Racism is one of the major problems in school today.
Finally, gangs can create problems at home. Their parents may hit there children. There’s nothing I hate more than parents that hit their children. Another reason teens might join gangs is their parents may fight. Kids whose parents fight are more likely to join gangs. In most gangs the parents of the members are either divorced or dead, and that can really hurt a kid (Gangs pg.68).
I’ve talk to you about gangs and their problems. But we can make a difference. We need to make sure that we know where our kids are and what there doing. No one can tell you what to do. “If we just do a little help it will count for all the world” (Brian Volk).

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