The Media has Ruined America

The Media has Ruined America

The Media Has Ruined America

An whopping 83 percent of the American population watches the news. But watching the news is not always a good thing. Most people can agree, America is not the country it once used to be. In fact freedom of speech seems to be slowly fading away. A person can no longer say what is on their mind freely for fear of backlash. The media has made Americans afraid that anything that is said can be interpreted as being offensive and can potentially ruin lives. Being “politically correct” has forced Americans into second guessing everything they say. This trend of watching what you say has made Americans too sensitive. There are however some upsides to being cautious about what you say. And many people believe being politically correct is a step in the right direction. I for one believe that the media has destroyed what used to be a great country by misinforming us of what is really important; freedom.
We have seen it time and time again on the news. A person, whether it be intentional or accidental, makes a comment or statement that offends a particular group of people. The statement could be about race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or a number of the subjects. And the media goes into an absolute frenzy with the story. Even

when a particular group of people are not actually offended, the media will convince them of why they should be offended. Soon there are people protesting and signing petitions to potentially ruin a person’s life. Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson was suspended over an anti-gay slur. Now I am not defending anti-gay slurs, but whatever happened to freedom of speech? It is not simply enough to hate this man. Some people felt the need to ruin his career. Another good example is Paula Deen. Paula Deen was fired from food network for using a racial slur 20 years ago. This seemed a bit rash considering it was not unheard of for people to use the “N” word at the time. And although I don’t agree with her...

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