“The Odyssey: Who Is More Of The Hero, Penelope Or Odyssey?”
To many people, a hero is a strong person who has his own apparel. Heros are normally out saving people and fighting crime. It will take a lot more things to make a good hero. Some of those traits are, he leaves on a journey and he has to prove himself, and most of the time when they die they are honored. “The Odyssey” by homer shows many heroic traits in two main characters. Odyssey has a lot of problems on his journey but he overcomes them all. Odyssey is a hero because he has supernatural help on his journey. On his journey he proves himself and his goal is to get home to Ithaca to take back his kingdom.
Odyssey is a hero because he has fatal law. A fatal law is a bump in the road on his journey to get home to Ithaca to take back his kingdom. Odyssey’s fata law is his love for women. He was unfaithful to penelope numerous of times. When odysseus was on the circle island he promised to sleep with the women if she reversed the spell. “Mount your bed? not for all the world. Not until you consent to swear, goddess a binding oath you will never plot some intrigue harm on me.” This proves he is a hero because he had a bump in the road or a fatal law. This prevents him on his journey to Ithaca to take back his kingdom. This makes him a hero because he shows us that he has a fatal law.
Another trait of a hero is that he receives supernatural help from the gods. Athena was by odyssey’s side through his whole journey. for example when odysseus got home from his journey and found out that the suitors invading him, athena agreed to help”grey eyes a blaze the goddess argued him on surly i'll stand beside him not when day arrives for us to do our work” this proves he is a hero because athena helped him finish his journey.
Now you may think that penelope is the hero because she had to stay home by herself and take care of the kid, but she's not....