The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Nicholas Solis
New Nations Essays

1. The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were passed after the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were created and used by the Federalists in 1798. The Republicans first replied in the Kentucky Resolutions. The resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson. They were an attack on the Federalists' interpretation of the Constitution, which would have extended the powers of the national government over the states. The resolutions declared that the Constitution only established a compact between the states. It also stated that the federal government had no right to use powers not specifically delegated to it under the terms of the compact. A similar set of resolutions was adopted in Virginia on December 1798, but these Virginia Resolutions, written by James Madison, were a looser expression of the strict construction of the Constitution. The resolutions were submitted to the other states for approval with no real result. The resolution was significant because the government set a new law and it was being opposed and then it was destroyed.

2. Alexander Hamilton had a plan to get the new nation out of a debt. To get the new nation he proposed a tax on distilled whiskey made in America that was made and sold by farmers. Farmers opposed this proposition so they rebelled. So as a result warrants were issued for the arrest of a large number of distillers who were avoiding the tax. He was able to get his plan through congress because they were in need of a solution the there debt.

3. France: In 1793 France went to war against Britain and Spain. France had helped the Americans in the American Revolution so they expected help from the Americans. Americans disagreed over which side to support. George Washington decided to stay neutral in the war so they denied French demands for support. America made a treaty that’s main provisions involved a trade agreement with Britain which ended the fur trade between America and France....

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