Traditional Medicine

Traditional Medicine

Traditional Medicine?
Most of us wants to be a doctor since we are a child. We too can be a medical practitioner. Have you ever wondered that you can treat someone of having some injury without taking that person to the hospital? So, I think this might be the only chance given to us in having the ability to treat other people using a traditional medicine. I was informed we can simply join to be a medical practitioner by registering with the School of Old Wives’ Traditional Medicine and they will give to the one who participate with a big impressive certificate. And I’m not sure how big it was. Because nowadays everyone needs to see a certificate in everything we actually doing. If you can remember on how to treat burns traditionally and what happened to your face if the wind change, then this is your once in a life time opportunity in becoming a registered practitioner of Old Wives’ Traditional Medicine.
I was also informed that tomorrow at 11.30 am inside the Department of Health in London, there will be a launching of the new professional registration scheme for the practitioners. A group of junior medics and scientists of Voice of Young Science (VoYS) will become the new practitioners. Maybe they will also hand out the diploma themselves to those who practice the Old Wives’ Traditional Medicine and register the public who can answer all the questions regarding the traditional cures. Thus, those who can pass all the regulations will get a free of charge assessment with no medical training and human physiology understanding. Maybe all of you bloggers wondering why am I promoting all of us to become one of the practitioners of traditional medicine? Well, it is simple as according to the Department of Health, all that really matters is for the practitioners to follow the traditional methods thus to make it more formal, a professional registration scheme was proposed to the government.
Just in case you still don’t understand what I am trying to tell all of the...

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