Weater vs Climate

Weater vs Climate

Weather and Climate

The coldest temperature ever recorded on earth is 136 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest ever recorded is -129 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature on earth is 61 degrees Fahrenheit. One of these examples describes climate, the other describes weather. Weather and climate have many similarities but it is important to know the difference.

Weather is something that is short-term and affects us on a daily basis. The weather describes the short-term state of the atmosphere, whether it is hot/cold, wet/dry, cloudy/sunny. The weather changes from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, or even season to season. For example, New York Giants center David Baas in regards to the upcoming football game against the Green Bay Packers said, “On the coldest days, I have to stand and put my hands by the heaters, otherwise I can’t feel my fingertips when I snap the ball.” This shows how cold the weather really was on this day in Green Bay, Wisconsin. This cold weather does not reflect average temperature for the year, only the weather at that time.
Climate is something that describes the long-term pattern of weather. The climate describes the average temperature, wind, precipitation, humidity, etc. In the article we read, it referred to earth as a giant snowball. This cold weather took place over a long period of time, making it an example of climate. Wisconsin's average temperature is a high of 54 and a low of 35, because they are averages and describe a long period of time this is another example of climate.

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