Whole Wheat

Whole Wheat

Whole Wheat

When it comes to grains, you should know what to choose; whole wheat. Overall, there are so many reasons why you should eat whole wheat over the other products, plus whole wheat is in a number of things that we eat daily and constantly, for example; tortillas, pancakes, crackers, bagels, pasta, yeast bread, etc. Whole wheat is best for you, your body, and your health; and amazingly lowers the risk of some diseases.
The history of whole wheat goes back pretty far; the first evidence of it found was in present-day Iraq, around 6700 B.C. Then around the twelfth century, whole wheat found its way over to England; later the Pilgrims would share their wheat with the Native Americans, and at the time they were already growing corn, so this led into the discovery of a couple foods we still eat to this day. The cultivation of whole wheat spread throughout the world and is the most produced crop in the world. Most prehistoric whole wheat products turned out like pancakes, crackers, and tortillas. It wasn’t until later they had discovered a leavening agent, which was discovered by the Ancient Egyptians, along with the discovery of the oven.
Whole wheat bread is very nutritious and has been known to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It helps you in a number of ways, it lowers triglycerides, helps in weight management, improves insulin control, and slow build-up of artificial plaque. It is much more wholesome, and has a much better chance of getting more vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytoestrogens, lignans, and antioxidants from the whole wheat.
Dietary guidelines recommend eating 5-10 oz. of grain foods a day, eating at least 45-65% of daily calories come from complex carbohydrates, less than 35% from fat, and 10-35% from protein. All of these foods are good for you, but in a second they can become very artery-clogging meal. If you start out with something healthy, and let’s say you’re eating a bagel, and you want cream cheese;...

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