Browser for Psychology Essays

Psychology is the study of the mind, how it functions and behaviors correlated with it. Here you will find various topics and essays rela ted to the the study of psychology and more!

  1. Ballsy

    Michael RUsso A Bully-Free World Approaching the 22nd century, more and more cases of bulling are beginning to occur. “3.7 million youths engage in bullying, and more than 3.2 million are victims of ‘moderate’ or ‘serious’ bullying each year” (BullyFree). Bullying is a subject that

  2. Learning the Student role

      Learning the Student Role:   Kindergarten as Academic Boot Camp  by Harry L.  Gracey    Human beings are culture‐making animals and nearly all complex human behavior is  learned and not inborn.  "Socialization" is the term used to name the lifelong process 

  3. case 1

    Translation ….translating mRNA into a protein 1. The smaller ribosomal subunit binds to a leader sequence of the mRNA 2. The ribosomal subunit ‘reads’ along the mRNA until it reaches a start codon (AUG) a. AUG is the start codon and also translates to the amino acid methionine (met)

  4. Understanding the Person

    It is my intention in this essay to compare and contrast the psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural approaches to counselling by showing the similarities and differences between the two models. I will look at the methods used by each model and how they both regard the image of the person.

  5. My Listening Quotient

    My Listening Quotient Everyone has some poor listening habits and different reasons behind these habits. Some people are better listeners than others but everyone fall into at least one or two criteria. For this essay I read off to my mom all the different faulty listening

  6. psych

    Presentation Evaluation “As many as 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer’s disease. “Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the

  7. Cyber bullying

    Her name was Megan Taylor Meier. She had just started eighth grade at a new school when she decided to break off her friendship with a girl down the street. Yet, amid all of those changes, Megan was the happiest she had ever been because she had met a cute sixteen year old boy on Myspace named

  8. Effects of Child Sexual Abuse on Adult Sexual Dysfunction

    Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a common cause of developmental disorders in children and adults. One particular domain of personality directly affected by CSA is the development of sexuality. Victims of CSA are more likely to develop sexual problems and dysfunctions later in life (Loeb et al.,

  9. Gynephobia

    GYNEPHOBIA In the overall picture, today's men are supposed to be confident and assertive towards women and yet many men still suffer from what is known as gynephobia. Gynephobia, the fear of women, is most common in men who rarely interact with women in the everyday life. This

  10. Essay Conflict

    Patterns and dynamics of conflict Conflict is the means of evolution. Without it existence would have been meaningless and stagnation would have stopped the wheel of history. Friction is a must for motion and so is conflict for that of life. The Universe is bound together by conflicting forces

  11. Women Who Are Given a Coherent Explanation of the Link Between Smoking and Cervical Cancer Have Greater Intentions to Stop Smoking.

    Question 1 Hypothesis: Women who are given a coherent explanation of the link between smoking and cervical cancer have greater intentions to stop smoking. Aims:  To compare the effectiveness of women provided with a detailed or minimal explanation of the link between smoking and

  12. The Best Advice I Have Ever Given to Anybody

    Every since I remember, my brother was a trouble child, he always had an attitude problem , he was always mad at the world , and because this he was constantly getting in trouble at school at work and as he grew up with his relationships. I always observed him and stood quiet, to me it

  13. Psychologists

    Psychologist Introduction: I have always loved helping other people with their problems. Being a good listener is one of my strong skills as well as giving reasonable advice. My friends

  14. Self Esteem

    Self-Esteem is your opinion of yourself. It is your estimate of how capable, worthwhile and successful you are. It is crucial in the psychological development of every individual. The way in which a person matures and progresses throughout life depends significantly on his or her view of them

  15. Personal Reflection Paper

    Personal Reflection on the Self Paper PSY/400 July 21, 2013 Instructor Porcaro Personal Reflection on the Self Paper The core to each person’s world is the sense of self, and has caught the interest of psychologist and philosophers to the meaning of the self.

  16. Mortenson

    Evan M. Prewitt Sociology 399- Sociology of Development Professor Knudson 000918076 Mortenson’s Character: It is hard to say whether Greg Mortenson’s various positions throughout his life led to him becoming a humanitarian, or if the qualities and influences that he had from a young age

  17. Depression: What It's Like and How It's Treated

    Depression: what it’s like and how it’s treated Axia College Kristin Allen Imagine for a moment that you are in your bedroom. You are in you pajamas, warm and safe. The only problem with this is that it is two o’clock in the afternoon and you been in the same room for 5 days in a row.

  18. Personal Ethics and Values

    Personal Ethics and Values Paper Values and ethics are one of the most basic and essential characteristics that each of us have. These characteristics lay the foundation of who we are and what we believe and how we live our daily lives. There are many factors that determine our

  19. Minneapolis Domestic Violence Study

    Domestic violence has existed for as long as man has been on this Earth. In the past it was thought to be something private. The families involved were the ones that had to figure out how to deal (or not deal) with the problem. This mind set changed when a study was done in Minneapolis

  20. A Review of Child Rearing

    The old adage “spare the rod, spoil the child” has been applied to many households in the past, but in truth, parenting methods and child rearing practices are as widely varied as are the cultures of the world. Politics, religion, family, and other environmental factors influence the way a

  21. Assignment Week 4 Psy

    16 & In Love The scenario that I have chosen to depict the five components of wise judgment is a sixteen year old girl is “in love” with her 17 year old boyfriend, who is continually pushing her to have sex promising that they will be “protected” from the condom so that she will not get

  22. Types of Therapy

    Types of Therapy for Bipolar Disorder LeTherese Meadows Liberty University Abstract Those who have worked with bipolar patients know that medications alone are not the answer. Research indicates that people who take medications for bipolar disorder are more likely to get better sooner and

  23. Development And Learning Process Of Children

    DEC 1004: Development and Learning Process of Children Part 1 Tutorial: Discuss the following factors responsible for the variation in height and weight in children. Genetics One can separate genetic effect from environmental effects by correlating genetic similarity between relatives

  24. Vulnerable Population

    Abstract As one of the faster growing segments of the population, over 70 million American citizens will be considered elderly by 2030 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2007). The growth of this group is unprecedented in American history, owing in part to advances in health

  25. Abnormal Behavior

    I guess I would have to start by asking the question what is normal? Normal simply means average. People who behave normally are those who act and behave in an average, typical way. Unusual but not necessarily bizarre like deviant behavior, this is often governed by the culture. But, now we

  26. Willow Weeping

    Willow Weeping by Melissa Brower Boy did my grandmother know precisely which foliage could get her point across and quick! As I think back, I can still feel the sting from the branch of the weeping willow tree those times she had to impart her point on me, the

  27. Nuerotransmitters

    There are more than 100 neurotransmitters that have been identified in the body over the years but no one knows how many neurotransmitters exist in humans and other organisms. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that carry messages across the synaptic space to other neurons, muscles or

  28. Friendship in Middle Adulthood

    Friendships in Middle Adulthood In midlife, generally defined as the period between young adulthood and old age, friendships provide affection, companionship, understanding, and social support and therefore contribute to well-being. Friends can also affect the status, power, wealth, attitudes,

  29. Glossophobia

    A person goes up to the podium to do a presentation. Even before he starts speaking his heart starts to beat and his mouth gets dry. He feels slightly nauseous. Once the person starts talking, the heart keeps beating rapidly and the person hears his voice tremble. The whole body starts shaking.

  30. Antwone Fisher

    Running head: ANTWONE FISHER Antwone Fisher Patti L. Tolle SOWK 503 – Fall 2012 Samih Samaha 1. Film Character Chosen Antwone Fisher Antwone Fisher a temperamental young man in the navy with a violent past. In this paper I will discuss Antwone History, some of the horrific