am his1

am his1

“The Road Not Taken “

We were given the task to read a selection called “The Road Not Taken “, by Lerone Bennett Jr. This selection was very interesting; I mean I have to say that I never looked at the separation of races from this point of view. If you ask many people they will tell you that slavery is like the air it was always there but this reading selection shuts that theory down. It is my hope that after you read this paper you will have a true understanding as to how slavery and the separation of races began. I also intend on putting a spot light on the fact that we have to be brave enough to make the right choice because our actions have serious consequences.
For starters, the author sheds light on the fact that before there was the separation of the black, reds and whites there was a union amounts all people they all lived in harmony. They lived together they celebrated with each other; there was marriages between them. They cried together, there was no separation amounts them. They did not see color, they had no issues within each other, and there was complete harmony. There was a fork in place and that fork had two directions the sad part was that the negative road was chosen instead of the positive.
The harmony that the reds, blacks and whites had started to dwindle in the mid 17th century. It was during this time that the segment of the working class (blacks) were pushed down into the mindset of slavery and the whites where elevated a bit. It was the colonial leaders were the ones that were left with the task to organize how slavery would be set up. Being that this idea of slavery was foreign to the mindsets of the people. In order to create this separation there had to be some fear put into the people so this is when the leaders decided to begin to kill beat and punish the blacks who would not stay in their new social setting. This installation of fear was necessary because it was hard for the people to understand this way of life and words...

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