Anti-Doma Paper

Anti-Doma Paper

The Defense of Marriage Act is a federal law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. According to Oxford dictionary marriage is defined “as the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife: a happy marriage”. Both of these definitions are accepted as truth, but I strongly disagree with these two definitions of marriage. My definition of marriage is a union of two people that have agreed to enter into a contract that binds their two separate lives together into one life as a married couple.
When it comes to marriage, government should not have a say on who can get married or not. This is oppressing people for not being the “norm” and awarding people for following “God’s chosen path for man”. The separation of church and state exists for a reason, so why aren’t people actually listening to this when it comes to marriage equality? It is because of money. The politicians are being paid to basically look the other way when it comes to allowing gays to marry. A politician cannot upset those who are funding their whole political campaign or career because they would not be able to be an effective politician.
With Legislation like DOMA in place, it gives people the legal right to discriminate against gays and disallow them the right to marry for love and it also gives people the legal right to disregard couples in committed relationships simply because they are gay. That is morally wrong and it must be repealed and if anything it weakens America as a whole by dividing Americans for something that should be a right for all Americans regardless of their sexual orientation.
The arguments against same sex marriage are all the same. It is always: “It’s an abomination or “God hates gays”. How is it remotely possible that a being that loves everyone equally and is incapable of anything but love and forgiveness to hate anybody for any reason whatsoever? The Bible is always used as a tool...

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