

When someone bullies another they are deliberately showing hostile activity intended to harm, in which most find pleasure in the targets pain, some do not realize their actions. Ever wonder why by-standers do not speak up when they notice a fellow student being bullied? There is no right or wrong answer for this question since there are multiple reasons they do not interject. Though there are many reasons, one of the leading reasons is fear of the bully then targeting them. Many by-standers may also think that social standing is threatening. It is possible that the by-stander just does not know what to do. There is a type of by-stander who relishes the situation, they like watching a fellow human being turned into an “it”. Once people notice bullying in school or neighborhood it could be hard to speak to adults that have the ability to help. One reason being fear of the bully finding out it was them that reported the situation to an adult and the bully redirecting their efforts towards them is a leading reason people do not report. They fear that the circumstances could turn on them and be twice as bad. This should not be a problem; by-standers should not have to be afraid to report a bullying situation. Social status is a threatening impediment in schools; standing up for the target to a “popular” student is not easy and scares most people away from reporting the problem. High school is extremely bad about social status with the cliques and groups ruling the hallways. To stand up and put a stop to bullying is harder than most realize. People that are not in the situation think it is easy and say they would do it in a heartbeat but when confronted with the opportunity do nothing. By-standers like bullies need to be educated on the effects of being turned into an “It” over time. Not only could it involve emotional damage but also harm to themselves or others. The knowledge of knowing what to do is very important and some individuals just do not have it. Either...

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