Are we Reborn ?

Are we Reborn ?

Are we reborn?

Religion & Philosophy
The religious beliefs about what happens to a person's body and soul when they die are that some believe death is the final stop while others believe that the soul carries on after death. Other religious beliefs hold that life is a continuous wheel of rebirth. There is also a train of thought that believes that reincarnation makes dying easier and therefore helps the dying. Islamic, Christian and Gnostic followers do not believe that reincarnation exists. The end of the western world's belief in reincarnation came when Emperor Justinian (AD 553) denounced the "monstrous restoration" of rebirth while Christians believe that they have two lives. Shiva, the god of creation and destruction is symbol of the continuous cycle of death and rebirth. There is no assurance of being reborn as a human if the previous life has been lived in sin. Sutratma states that reincarnation is a luminous thread of immortality on which are strung our many lives, each worthy incarnation adding its "pearl of great price". For Buddhists, the preparation for death and the consequential rebirth lies in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. They believe that if the person lived a good life then they see good hallucinations rather than a sinful life would lead to bad hallucinations. The Greeks referred to reincarnation as metempsychosis. Japanese warriors also believed in rebirth. They thought that if they were to die a valiant death they would be reborn into a higher plane. As I researched on this topic, I came to a conclusion that everybody is reborn after they meet death. Almost every religion out there from Christians to Buddhists believe there is reincarnation and that is available to all people whom do whatever their religion thinks they have to do in order to get there and get a pleasant reincarnation in the next life.

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