Arranged Marraige

Arranged Marraige

PHL 340 Essay 2- Arranged marriage vs. American Love. Marriage can be defined as the social, spiritual or legal union of two individuals. There are different types of marriages practiced around the world today, the most common which we see around the world is arranged marriages and love marriages. There are also different types of marriages too like intercultural, interracial, transgender marriage, gay marriage etc. the views about marriage changes from the western culture to the eastern culture significantly. The western culture in the 21st century, legally recognized marriages are formally presumed to be monogamous (although some pockets of society accept polygamy socially, if not legally, and some couples choose to enter into open marriages). In these countries, divorce is relatively simple and socially accepted. In the West, the prevailing view toward marriage today is that it is based on a legal covenant recognizing emotional attachment between the partners and entered into voluntarily. Some societies permit polygamy, in which a man could have multiple wives; even in such societies however, most men have only one. In such societies, having multiple wives is generally considered a sign of wealth and power. The status of multiple wives has varied from one society to another. Child marriages are now abolished by law, and the children are free to choose their own partners, according to law. But, you know, racism is in the blood, and the parents, even now, try to control their children by arranging marriages within the limits of race, caste, class and religion. If children find their own mates, parents would threaten them in many ways -- threatening to not give them any share of family property or wealth; threatening to drive them out of their own homes. If any children marry according to their own desire, parents would consider it as a threat and shame to the family. So, many men and women just accept what their parents arrange for them. They don't want to...

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