Artificial Intelligence Resume Parser Utility

Artificial Intelligence Resume Parser Utility

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resume Parser utility


“Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resume Parser” is the HR tool to finding resumes. As the owner of a staffing firm, you know that your business requires that lots of time to be dedicated to the management of the resumes that come across your desk. These resumes need to be organized and ultimately entered into your company's database. Resume Parsing and analysis, offers cutting edge solutions to manage volumes of data and makes your resume handling process more efficient and economical.

Data-entry time is reduced with a resume parser, since it permits you to build candidate profiles directly from Word documents and emails. The resume parsers basically separate the key features from the resume of the candidate. The key feature may be like – name, age, address, contact information, basic qualification, specialization, area of experience etc. Normally these parsers take input in the form of Word document, Text Format, PDF files, Email attachments etc. Output may be Xml document or Database file. Software is written using .net technologies.

The resume parser reduces a lot of time in the activities like scheduling interviews, deciding candidate ranks. In the process of resume parsing, thousands of calculations are performed within few seconds. The contact information, education, skills, certifications, work experiences etc… are gathered together into the industry-standard: HR-XML format. It has come up with an Applicant Tracking System which allocates you to maintain a database of applicant and job information. This information is useful for finding matches between job openings and applicants. Fully parsed Resumes are compared with HR dynamic Requirements and sort according to the requirements.

Existing system:

➢ Resume parser only used for predefined function identification.

➢ No sorting methodologies to identify wanted candidate resume....

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