Axia Gen 105 Student Survival Guide

Axia Gen 105 Student Survival Guide

Student Survival Guide Jeffrey Hawkins Axia College Gen 105 Skills for learning in an Information Age Francesco Fazzalari November 16, 2008 Gen 105 Skills for learning in an information age is a class designed specifically to aid students in how to excel at Axia Collegeand online schools in general. We have learned about all that is involved with Axia College and the resources available to help us in our learning career. We have been given knowledgeable instructors, online tools, and a support staff of advisors to aid us on our journey. Here I will cover the main topics to act as a survival guide for future use in my college experience. With this guide in hand, I will take my strengths and overcome my weaknesses to become the best student that I can be. Using Axia’s Educational Recourses: Upholding Academic Honesty: Academic honest is not too difficult to understand. For me it’s very easy to maintain academic honesty. This is mostly related to plagiarism. The first part of plagiarism is to copy all of part of someone else work and claim it as your own. One should never copy another’s work under any circumstance. Always do your own work because doing an original paper is how you learn. Nothing is gained from stealing another’s work. The second part of plagiarism involves using part of another’s work or quoting from another. In doing this it’s necessary to reference the original paper or source. Axia’s show us the proper way to do this and it must be done anytime we use information from another source. Following these rules will help maintain academic honesty. Setting and Achieving Goals: Managing Time Wisely: Fostering Reading Time and Comprehension: Applying Personality and Learning Styles: This student survival guide covers many topics and ideas to do well in my college career at Axia College. Following this guideline is a good base line goal to getting my degree. There are some things that are needed that are not covered. With everything here I...

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