Birth Order

Birth Order

Birth Order
Birth is a very complex thing. Everything from looks, gender, hair-color, body-weight, and eye-sight, comes from a very intricate equation pertaining to genetics and heredity. Although the order of which we come in to this world compared to our siblings has an amazingly large impact on the way our personality is shaped. Everyone is a child to another human-being, either you’re an only child or your birth order can differ by endless possibilities. The placement in which you’re born can determine whether or not you’re precise and picky, confident and articulate, if you embarrass more easily than others, or even if you are more charming than most. All of these characteristics can be shifted around, separated, or intertwined with one another depending on the factors that play a major role in your life such as older brothers, younger sisters, even cousins of any age that are closely connected to your immediate family. Only children and first born children are very similar in the way they operate with the exception of only children being self-centered, more logical, and somewhat more articulate. Sometimes only children are referred to as “super first bourns”. First born children are most like an “experiment” to see what type of parental strategy will work the best or how they will relate to their children later on down the line. People who are born first in their family usually become high achievers, and often have leader type personalities. They become very critical, analytical, and typically judge their selves by how other people think of them. These characteristics listed above are more like guidelines more than anything else. I myself self are indeed a first born child although I lived ten years of my life as an only child, and my older cousins took roles as older siblings during a very important part of an adolescence life, puberty.
I was born on November 4th, 1994. I spent ten years of my life as an only child. During those ten years...

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