Classroom management: setting class rules&motivation in the EFL class
I will continue talking about the same year as in the previous assignment, fourth year of primary education, and try to describe how I would establish classroom rules and motivate the students.
I would establish classroom rules together with the students during the first class if it is possible. Obviously, the process of having rules is not over in one day, as they become apparent during the next few weeks of enforcement, when I and the students deal with real situations in which these rules have to be tested so consistency in the application of consequences will be the key factor in maintaining a positive class environment. If the students participate in establishing the rules, then they will not only agree with them (and it is more probable that they will follow them) but they will also feel respected, and this will improve their self-confidence. I would probably begin by telling students that I would like to hold class meetings regularly in order for them to be able to express concerns and use their skills to help make decisions for the class. I will ask them to propose rules, which I will write on the blackboard for further discussion about the consequences of breaking them. When dealing with rules, “the trick is to establish reasonable limits for children to learn boundaries while allowing for developmentally appropriate individual expression and exploration” (Evertson 381). If necessary, I will propose rules but ask the students why they think it is important to follow a particular rule and again, ask them to come up with a suitable consequence of breaking it. I will make sure that everybody gets to express their opinion, and give explanations/examples or answer questions, if needed. Therefore, the rules will be slightly different from class to class, since it is the students that decide what the rules are. Nevertheless, there are several constant rules such as the ones...