Communication and Crisis Paper

Communication and Crisis Paper

Communication and Crisis Paper 1

February 25, 2013
Teresa Shook

Communication and Crisis Paper 2

Contaminated water can occur in many different ways and can have extreme harmful reactions on our human body. Some of these diseases and illnesses that will result from water contamination will range from kidney, and liver damage that can lead to cancers and to neurological effects. It is important for individuals to know about water contamination when it occurs and what to do about it to protect themselves.
The individuals or groups that will be communicating inside and outside the organization during this crisis situation will be the people that are living in the city and group or organization in the community. As a director of Emergency Management the first thing I would do is to call for a meeting with my board member in the Emergency Management Office. Members will be my staff that are working in the office. The meeting will be as soon as possible to prevent more harm that the contaminated water can cause the population. The meeting is also to find a solution of the problem, a solution that are effective and will not create a mess and will not let the people in the community to panic. The meeting should have an agenda on how to start the plan and continue until the goal has been reach. The meeting should address the main issue and not to address other issues that are not related to the problem. On the meeting, I will delegate some responsibilities to my staff and they can form a group to develop a plan and work as a team and will able to solve the problem. The group within the company will reach out and communicate with the people outside the office and work with each other as a team for the faster and positive outcome of the plan. The plan should start as soon as possible and communication should be open and communicating with each other is a must to reach...

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