Definition of a Nerd

Definition of a Nerd

  • Submitted By: jessica08
  • Date Submitted: 10/18/2008 1:32 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 408
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 1

Obama would make a great president because of his strong belief in improving and enhancing the education of young minds. Obama wants to allocate more money to hire and develop good teachers that will make the future of our young kids bright. I am pursuing my dream of becoming a Register Nurse, and if it wasn’t for the teachers that taught and believed in me, I would never have came this far.
Barack Obama educational background and experience in politics are attributes that will make him a great president. He has the characteristics of a leader which are; trustworthiness, honesty, integrity, confidence, and dependability. Obama is enthusiastic about becoming a president; his passion and dedication of fulfilling the promise of a change in America will be made known as time goes by. Obama is very empathic towards the middle class. He is insightful on focusing, improving and helping the middle class citizens get the jobs and benefits that they need. Obama’s strategy for accomplishing that is to balance the budget by cutting taxes on the middle class and increasing taxes on those who are making 250,000 and above. His proposal will benefit my family and I because we are part of the middle class and the struggle we face everyday trying to survive with such little money is unbarring and frustrating.
Obama believes in the togetherness of families and sympathizes with the families that have their love ones fighting in the Iraq War. A family man himself, Obama is loving, caring, and supportive man that provides for his family. He wants to end the Iraq War and pull the troops out to reunite them with their families. He feels that most of the loses of money in the economy is caused by unnecessary spending by military. A solution for increasing the deficiency in money, he wants to reduce the spending on military services. I think that if people are searching for a president of high integrity, great expectations and a person that will make a tremendous change in...

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