

I found this class to be informative and was happy to see it provided a lot of information on the different types of diversity. Overall, I think I understand things a lot better now, than before this class. I was glad to be with students who provided a lot of the best information I received from this class. I live in a very diverse city, with not only multiple races, there are also many different lifestyles. You have the preppies, gangsters, GLBT, and straight people. I think we can learn from all these diverse lifestyles. I was able to learn so much about my culture due to the assignment in week three. I find that sometimes I will visit a website on the Cherokee Nation and read a new page every time. I was troubled to learn how the Native Americans were forced to the reservations because of prejudice. The Trail of Tears came just after the discovery of gold in Northern Georgia and “An estimated 4,000 people died from hunger, exposure, and disease;” becoming known as the trail where they cried (Cherokee Heritage, 2011). Sometimes we can forget what things used to be like, which is why I try to tell my daughter how fortunate she really is. I don’t think I could have lived during the times of segregation and the civil rights era; I think I would have moved to another country if I was living during the slave trades. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to raise my daughter in a time where all people have the same opportunities.
It is necessary to be subjected to other cultures in order to broaden our minds as this can being about new and different ideas. Diversity has given us so many things for Americans, like alternative medicines. There has been an increasing demand over the past ten years for Acupuncture and Acupressure treatments, although have been in the Asian culture for centuries. Another good example of how America has been influenced by other cultures is the use of meditation. This practice has a growing popularity due to how...

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