What are the benefits of DNA databases?
Although DNA databases in one form or another have been in use. There size and number has increased greatly over the recent years. There are benefits of DNA data base. A DNA match can prove with near certainty a person's presence at a crime scene. These databases are computerized systems that store genetic profiles developed from DNA samples, allowing law enforcement agencies to search for matches with unidentified samples recovered from crime scenes The use of DNA evidence for criminal identification has been called by some ""probably the greatest forensic advancement” since the advent of fingerprinting. By identifying a suspect almost immediately, they would save time and money spent in all too often meaningless investigations. Like the examples mentioned in the case study that it helped solve cold murders in Kansas.DNA identification charged a convicted murderer in the 1998 death of a Foxboro women who had been stabbed twice. It not only helps in proving people wrong but even proving people innocent.Attimes people are convicted of the crime which they have not even committed, in those cases DNA identification can prove them innocent. The increased use of DNA evidence will minimize the risk of future wrongful convictions. Most of all it saves the expense of conducting a lengthy trial. It can be used in identifying victims of accidents and missing persons. Relationship testing would be greatly simplified with a national database.
1) What problem do DNA database pose?
Although DNA detection might have advantages over fingerprint dusting but it has flaws as well .There is room for human error or fraud in comparing samples taken from suspects with those removed from a crime scene. Even a complete DNA profile cannot indicate the length of time a suspect was present at a crime scene or the date in question. The database can place innocent people under suspicion, And also while it might prove your innocence in...